What To Do if You Are Hurt in an Oilfield Accident

what to do if you are hurt in an oilfield accident

The types of accidents that occur in an oilfield are often unexpected and catastrophic. Understanding the best way to handle an emergency and seek both physical and legal help is essential to your well-being and future.

Daniel Rodriguez, founder and president of Rodriguez & Associates, has firsthand experience working in the oilfield of Kern County and understands the unique and dangerous nature of oilfield jobs. He and his team work to protect the rights of oilfield workers who have been injured on the job due to negligence. Daniel’s guide below can help you understand the process of a personal injury claim if you are injured due to an oilfield accident.

Follow Protocols

Dangerous situations in an oilfield are volatile and unpredictable, often leading to a chain reaction of events such as fires, explosions, and falling equipment. It is important to follow any evacuation and safety protocols to minimize additional hazards. Employers should be notified immediately of any incidents, accidents, or injuries.

Seek Medical Attention

Your health and safety are your priority after an accident. Seek medical treatment immediately if you are hurt to ensure timely treatment. Many oilfield accidents can result in internal injuries that may not be noticeable right away. Even if you believe your injuries to be minor, seek medical care as soon as possible. Medical care will provide you with proper treatment as well as documentation of your injuries.

Document the Accident

Make a written account of what occurred, what led up to the accident, and anything you remember about the location and environment. Document the names and contact information of witnesses, and include photos if you can of the scene as well as your injuries.

Contact an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

To ensure your rights are protected, contact a personal injury attorney with experience handling oilfield accident cases and negotiating against oilfield companies and large insurance companies. When complicated cases include multiple companies, defective machinery, or other third parties, an attorney can help you understand worker’s compensation rights and choose the best path for your financial recovery.

While each oilfield accident case involves unique factors, the experienced team of attorneys at Rodriguez & Associates has decades of experience handling complicated personal injury matters including obtaining $4.5 million for a defective oilfield derrick and $3.5 million for a worker who sustained injuries after an oilfield crane dropped on him. Matched with our ties to Kern County and industry experience, we understand the concerns and frustrations that working families face when an earner is no longer able to work due to injury.

Contact us at (661) 777-7575 or 800-585-9262 to schedule a free consultation with one of our Bakersfield oil field accident attorneys today.