Who Is Liable for Injuries Caused by a Defective Product?
Suffering a defective product injury can be painful and confusing. Liability in product injury lawsuits can be complex, and you may not know who you can hold accountable for your injuries. Oftentimes, these cases involve multiple entities. You can file a product liability lawsuit against any entity along the chain of distribution, depending on…
I Was Hit While Jaywalking – Can I still Recover Compensation?
In Bakersfield, traffic lights and signs are in place for a reason. This critical infrastructure keeps drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians alike safe on the road — and jaywalking can put your life in danger. However, if you suffer an injury while jaywalking, you may still recover compensation for your injuries. Comparative Negligence in Pedestrian…
What Are the Psychological Effects of Being in a Car Accident?
The aftermath of a car accident can be physically painful — but many of us tend to overlook the psychological impacts these collisions can have. From the development of mental health conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder to long-lasting impacts on our daily activities, the mental toll of a car accident can be overwhelming….
What to Do if Your Insurance Benefits Are Impacted by Coronavirus
The COVID-19 pandemic is quickly changing the way of life for people across the world, including here in the United States. Governments across the country are issuing shelter-in-place orders, asking non-essential businesses to close or work remotely, and quickly ramping up health precautions for performing essential activities. For many Californians, these changes mean loss…
Should I File a Police Report After a Minor Car Accident?
Car accidents can range in severity from minor bumps to serious, multi-car collisions. If you are in an accident that does not result in severe vehicle damage or serious injuries, you may wonder if you need to file a police report or seek help for the accident at all. However, California laws require you…
Is There a Cap on Non-Economic Damages in California?
When you file a personal injury lawsuit, you can claim compensation for both economic and non-economic damages, as well as punitive damages in some circumstances. However, many states can limit the amount that you may claim by imposing caps on certain types of damages in certain lawsuits – even if you believe the circumstances…
By the Numbers: Motor Vehicle Crashes in the State of California
As the most populous state in the nation, California attracts tourists and new residents alike who are eager to explore the many attractions the Golden State has to offer. While that’s great for the state’s economy, it takes a toll on the roads, which are densely populated and contribute to a high number of…
What Is the Paul Lee School Bus Safety Law?
Thousands of students across the state of California rely on school buses for transportation to and from school. Bus drivers must follow safety measures while operating these vehicles to ensure that students arrive at school and home without any injuries or accidents. However, driving is not the only time that students face potential harm…
Do Pedestrians Have the Right of Way in California?
Many Californians, particularly in urban areas, choose to walk or ride their bikes in lieu of driving to their destination. Commuting by foot or bike can save money, provide convenience, and save time on the hassle of heavy traffic. However, some pedestrian conduct raises important questions about liability following an accident. Do pedestrians always…
California Parental Responsibility Laws
We would all like to think that our children always behave like perfect angels. On the other hand, we know that our kids act out on occasion. Did you know that you could be civilly liable for any damage your minor child causes? Learn about parental responsibility laws and how the state of California…