Tips for Visiting Bakersfield Speedway
Bakersfield Speedway is renowned for its intimacy; spectators feel close to the action, which makes it a memorable experience, but also presents some added danger. Despite the precautions of a catch fence as well as the space between the fence and the first row of seats, an injury is still a possibility for the…
New California Driving Law for 2017
With each new year comes a flurry of new legislation designed to keep motorists safe and preventable injuries at bay. California driving laws are becoming more stringent, and citizens must be vigilant. If you don’t want to pay any of your hard-earned cash on tickets this year, here’s what you need to know. Phone…
What Can I Do if My Car Insurance Claim is Denied?
It is not uncommon for automobile insurance companies to deny accident claims. A claimant may receive a denial if the company believes the driver could have avoided the accident, if nobody suffered an injury at the time of the accident, or if medical records do not indicate an injury or pain. Claim denials can…
Who Pays if I’m Injured by an Uninsured Motorist?
In California, driving without insurance is against the law. Unfortunately, that does not stop uninsured drivers from getting on the roadways. After an accident with an uninsured motorist, many injured individuals wonder about their ability to secure compensation. You can’t squeeze water from a stone, can you? Don’t panic if you suffer an injury…
Is It Safe to Use Hands-Free Devices While Driving?
Driving requires your undivided attention. This means more than just keeping your eyes on the road: you must also keep your hands and your attention focused on driving. Cell phones are a regular part of everyday life for most adults, but life has become so fast-paced that some people have become accustomed to multitasking,…