Should I File a Police Report After a Minor Car Accident?
Car accidents can range in severity from minor bumps to serious, multi-car collisions. If you are in an accident that does not result in severe vehicle damage or serious injuries, you may wonder if you need to file a police report or seek help for the accident at all. However, California laws require you…
Rodriguez and Associates Obtains Record $70 Million Verdict on Behalf of a Family Injured in a Major Big Rig Accident
Rodriguez & Associates obtained a $70,578,289 verdict on behalf of a family injured in a major crash with a big rig in Bakersfield, California that happened in August of 2017. Tomasa Cuevas, mother of Alex and Maritiza, was driving her kids to shop for school clothes when a big rig ran a red light…
By the Numbers: Motor Vehicle Crashes in the State of California
As the most populous state in the nation, California attracts tourists and new residents alike who are eager to explore the many attractions the Golden State has to offer. While that’s great for the state’s economy, it takes a toll on the roads, which are densely populated and contribute to a high number of…
What Is the Difference Between Punitive Damages and Actual Damages?
In a personal injury lawsuit, you have the right to collect compensatory damages for losses you suffered in an accident that was not your fault. The aftermath of these accidents can leave us with unexpected medical expenses, lost wages while we are healing, property damage, emotional anguish, and more – and filing a lawsuit…
Who Is at Fault in a Car Accident Due to Changing Lanes?
Car accidents are common occurrences on California roads, with many different types of collisions occurring each day. You can establish clear liability in some accidents, while others may require additional investigation by an attorney. One type of accident that can be difficult to investigate are lane change accidents. Typically, the driver who did not…
Do You Need to Replace a Car Seat After a Car Accident?
Depending on the circumstances of your accident, a car collision can leave severe, sometimes irreparable damage to your vehicle. Not only is the exterior of your car at risk, but a car accident can damage your interior mechanisms and the belongings you have inside of your vehicle. If you have a car seat in…
Do You Need to Report a Car Accident in California?
Car accidents are very common occurrences on California roads, from serious multi-car collisions to minor bumps and scratches. If you are in an accident where no one suffers serious injuries or damage, you may wonder if you need to report the car accident to law enforcement or the Department of Motor Vehicles. However, California…
California Comparative Fault Laws
Most states abide by either comparative fault or contributory negligence laws when it comes to recovery for car accidents. Comparative fault is the norm, with only a handful of states still using contributory negligence laws. California uses a pure comparative fault rule. After an auto accident, the courts may assign a portion of fault…
What Happens if You Hit a Car that is Illegally Parked?
Many car accident cases are not black and white. It is not always easy to identify who was at fault or what caused the accident. In some cases, both drivers could share fault for the auto collision. In others, one party may be solely at fault. If you strike a vehicle that someone illegally…
California Collision Repair Laws and Regulations
After an auto collision, one of the main goals for victims is to repair the damage to their vehicles. In California, collision repair laws and regulations determine how and when a vehicle owner can get auto repairs. As a California car accident victim, you must comply with regulations through your insurance company and state…