Vote For Us In The 2023 Best Of Readers’ Choice Poll!

Vote for Rodriguez & Associates, Daniel Rodriguez, Chantal Trujillo, and Joel T. Andreesen in The Bakersfield Californian’s 2023 Best of Readers’ Choice Awards. We are listed in the following categories: Best Law Firm Rodriguez & Associates Best Personal Injury Lawyer Daniel Rodriguez Chantal Trujillo Joel T. Andreesen Vote now – click on the links…

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Chantal Trujillo Reflects on Her Experience with Rodriguez & Associates

Since joining Rodriguez & Associates in 2011, Chantal Trujillo has grown to senior partner, developing into her role as a trial attorney in some of Bakersfield and Kern County’s toughest cases. In a male-dominated field that requires fierce grit and determination, Chantal possesses that and much more, understanding that the most successful work of…

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The Personal Injury Lawsuit Process

Personal injury covers a broad range of cases in which a person can bring a lawsuit against another person or entity for harm suffered due to negligence. Laws allow individuals who have been injured to claim damages for both physical and emotional injury, in order to obtain compensation for medical treatment and pain and…

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Rodriguez & Associates Listed In The 2022 Best Of Bakersfield Readers’ Choice Favorites

The Bakersfield Californian has named Rodriguez & Associates a favorite in the “Best Law Firm” category in The Best of Bakersfield Readers’ Choice Poll 2022. Daniel Rodriguez was also listed as a favorite in the “Best Personal Injury Lawyer” category. Thank you to everyone that voted for us! Every year, The Bakersfield Californian, a…

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Named to’s Best Personal Injury Lawyers in Bakersfield List

Rodriguez & Associates has been named by’s one of the Best Personal Injury Lawyers in Bakersfield for 2022. aims to connect people with the top experts in their city by field.  Our firm was also named to the site’s 2022 top 19 Best Car Accident Lawyers in Bakersfield and the top 20…

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Named Best Car Accident Lawyers in Bakersfield by

Rodriguez & Associates tops’s list: 2022 Best Car Accident Lawyers in Bakersfield.  Our firm has been featured in top rankings consistently by over the last several years. We were also named to the site’s 2022 Best Litigation Attorneys in Bakersfield and Best Personal Injury Lawyers in Bakersfield lists. scored dozens of…

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Who Can File a Wrongful Death Claim?

Losing a loved one is a very difficult experience. This grief can turn into anger if someone else’s negligent actions are responsible for your loved one’s death. In these situations, you may be able to hold the at-fault party accountable by filing a wrongful death lawsuit against him or her in civil court. Under…

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Who Is Liable in a Commercial Truck Accident?

One of the major differences between commercial truck accidents and the average car crash is liability, or who’s at fault. Liable parties in a regular car accident are usually just the drivers of the vehicles involved. Determining liability in a truck accident is a far more complex process that could include multiple third parties…

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What to Look for When Hiring a Truck Accident Lawyer

In truck accidents, it’s usually those inside the passenger vehicles that get the worst injuries. This is because commercial trucking vehicles like semi-trucks, which are on average 72 feet long and weigh 80,000 pounds, cause so much more destruction than your typical sedan. Drivers of smaller vehicles are therefore much more vulnerable. Since multiple…

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The Most Dangerous Tasks for Oilfield Workers

When it comes to jobs that are inherently dangerous, the oil and gas industries are at the top of the list. From 2013 to 2017, the most recent year for data, 489 oil and gas extraction workers were killed on the job, according to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration…

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