Questions to Ask a Car Accident Witness

California follows a fault-based system when it comes to car accidents. This means that drivers who cause accidents are financially responsible for their victims’ damages. If you sustain injuries in a California car crash, you may be able to file an insurance claim or lawsuit against the at-fault driver. To prove your right to…

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The Long-Term Costs of an Accident-Related Amputation

Amputations are serious catastrophic injuries. There are several reasons why you may need an amputation; in some cases, medical conditions require surgeons to remove a compromised limb. In others, a dangerous accident is responsible for the loss of a limb. These injuries can have serious long-term complications—taking a financial, emotional, and physical toll on…

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The Long-Term Costs of a Spinal Injury

The spinal cord is responsible for enabling communications between our brain and the rest of the body. Any damage to the spinal cord can lead to serious long-term complications, including permanent paralysis and disability. Each year, nearly 18,000 people develop a spinal cord injury. These injuries can result in expensive medical costs, loss of…

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Who Is Liable for a Civilian’s Injury on a Construction Site?

Construction sites can be very dangerous places. Civilians who visit these locations can encounter falling debris, heavy machinery, and many other unsafe situations. Although safety equipment and regulations are in place to prevent accidents, negligence on behalf of a site owner, subcontractor, or employee could lead to serious injuries. If a civilian suffers an…

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Rodriguez & Associates Obtains $4 Million Dollar Verdict Against Medical Transport Company

Bakersfield personal injury lawyers Daniel Rodriguez, Chantal Trujillo, Blaine Mustoe & Danay Gonzalez obtained a $4 million verdict in Kern County Superior Court on March 18, 2021. The case was filed against Tri-County Medical Transport, Inc., on behalf of a 28-year-old woman for the wrongful death of her 71-year-old father. Her father was being…

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Rodriguez & Associates Voted Top 3 Best Law Firms in Bakersfield

Rodriguez & Associates was voted as one of the Top 3 Best Law Firms in The Bakersfield Californian 2021 Best Of Reader’s Choice Poll. Thank you to everyone that voted for us as their favorite! The results will be revealed in the May Issue of Bakersfield Life Magazine. Congratulations to everyone nominated and recognized!

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What to Do When Your Dog Attacks Another Person

Victims of dog bites and attacks have a right to seek compensation for their injuries in many cases. Damages in dog bite cases often include medical expenses for treating both physical and psychological injuries from the attack, which is almost always a traumatic event for the victim. But what happens if you’re the dog’s…

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What Is the Hours of Service Rule for Truck Drivers?

Commercial truck drivers must follow strict state and federal regulations while operating their vehicles. These rules are in place to ensure the safety of these drivers and the motorists they share the road with. One of the most important rules is known as hours of service, which establishes limits on the number of hours…

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What Is the Difference Between Actual and Proximate Cause?

When you suffer injuries due to another person’s negligence, you can recover economic and non-economic damages from the at-fault party through a Bakersfield personal injury lawsuit. To prove your right to compensation, you will need to prove that the defendant violated his or her duty of care to you. You will also need to…

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What is Negligence Per Se?

If you are filing a personal injury lawsuit in California, you will need to prove the defendant’s negligence. You will need to show that the at-fault party’s conduct breached his or her duty of care to you. You will also need to prove that the defendant’s actions were the actual and proximate cause of…

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