How Effective Are Disclaimers?
When it comes to injuries and damages caused by products, it can be legally possible to pursue compensation through a product liability case. These claims allow for consumers to protect their rights to safety when using products. However, as a lawsuit can take up the time and money of a company and cast poorly…
Can You Sue Someone for Punching You?
There are plenty of circumstances that can lead to fights. If you’re involved in one, there’s a chance you may be on the receiving end of a punch, which could lead to potential health complications depending on the severity of the attack. And when that happens, you may just want to file a lawsuit…
Can You Sue a Restaurant for Food Poisoning?
Food poisoning is extremely uncomfortable for anyone who has experienced it. If you get food poisoning after going out to eat, you may determine that the restaurant was responsible for your illness. When this is the case, you may be wondering if it’s possible to sue the restaurant for food poisoning. Is a Lawsuit…
How to File a Car Insurance Claim with Mercury Insurance
The moments following a car accident can be chaotic, but the actions you take are essential in protecting your car insurance claim. First, call emergency medical services to care for any passengers or other drivers who sustained injuries. Next, start collecting information for your claim with Mercury Insurance. Gather Information at the Scene After…
How to File a Car Insurance Claim with State Farm
Were you recently in a car accident in Bakersfield? If so, you likely took steps to protect your passengers and other injured people at the scene. You might even have required some medical treatment yourself. Now that everyone is out of danger, it’s time to contact your insurance company and learn more about filing…
How to File a Car Insurance Claim with Allstate
The hours, even days following a car accident can be full of confusing procedures. However, it’s important to follow the terms of your insurance carefully to protect the health of your car accident claim. If you have Allstate insurance, you should follow these steps: Call the Insurance Company Right Away After a car accident,…
California Parental Responsibility Laws
We would all like to think that our children always behave like perfect angels. On the other hand, we know that our kids act out on occasion. Did you know that you could be civilly liable for any damage your minor child causes? Learn about parental responsibility laws and how the state of California…
What Is Negligent Supervision?
Care providers – whether for our children, elders, or disabled loved ones – must use reasonable care with regard to their supervision. If they fail to do so and your loved one suffers harm as a result, you may be able to file a claim on the grounds of negligent supervision. Learn what it…
Can a Burglar Sue for Injury?
Property owners have a duty of care to maintain the safety of the premises for those who come onto the property. Can a burglar sue for personal injury in Bakersfield? The short answer is yes, it is possible to sue for almost anything, though many claims will be dismissed as frivolous and may cost…
What to Do After a Slip and Fall Accident
Property owners have a duty of care to ensure that their property is safe for those who use the premises. Falling on someone’s property does not make the owner automatically responsible for your injury. It must be shown that the property was unsafe, and the conditions of the property caused your fall. The steps…