Perseverance in Law: Chantal Trujillo’s Journey of Resilience

Breaking Barriers: Attorney Danay Gonzalez's Inspiring Journey

Daniel Rodriguez Represents the Family of Police-involved Car Crash Victim

Un Hombre De Bakersfield Es Víctima Mortal En Un Choque Con Patrulla De Policía

Attorney Daniel Rodriguez Speaks on Kget about Deadly Crash Involving Bakersfield Police Department

Daniel Rodriguez Continued Conversation for Hispanic Heritage Month

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with Daniel Rodriguez

Daniel Rodriguez Discusses the Depp Vs. Heard Defamation Trial

Joel Andreesen Discusses Csub’s Roadrunner Scholarship Fund

Chantal Trujillo Talks about the Attack on the U.S. Capitol

Daniel Rodriguez Talks about the Greatest Trial Lawyers of All Time

Daniel Rodriguez Talks about the History Behind a Jury Trial

Chantal Trujillo Talks about the History Behind the Women’s Suffrage Movement

Rodriguez & Associates: Meet Your Attorneys

Chantal Trujillo and Danay Gonzalez Discuss the Importance of Participating in Clear the Shelters Virtual Adoption Drive

Daniel Rodriguez Discusses What Happens If You Refuse to Wear a Face Mask

Record $70 Million Awarded to a Family Injured in Crash with Big Rig

Family Awarded $70 Million in Largest Personal Injury Verdict in Kern County

Las Vegas Shooting Settlement Kget Nbc

Bowe Cleveland V. Taft Unified School District

Taft Union High School Civil Lawsuit

Kent Williams Civil Rights Claim

Robert David Taylor Sinkhole Accident

Boys & Girls Club Settlement

Sexual Assault Settlement

Preventing Gas Explosions in Bakersfield

Africa Marathon

Africa Marathon Part 2

Africa Marathon Part 3